To upload your work, click the Upload Artwork button on your Dashboard.
After uploading, you will be redirected to the Artwork’s Detail Page, where you can add additional information about your work. Your artwork page will be in “Draft” and not accessible to public view until you add the required information, including a title, category, subcategory, and customized URL. Once this information has been added, you can switch your artwork from “draft” to “publish” and save your artwork, as shown in the image below.
If you have multiple images of the same work, such as different angles of a sculpture, do not upload them as separate works. Instead, you should upload your Primary Image to create your Artwork Page and then click the “add additional images” button as shown above to add any additional images of the work to that page.
Note about AI Images
Images that are in the public domain or those not created by human authorship, such as AI-generated Art, are prohibited. Art uploaded to Artrepreneur must be by the copyright holder or author of the work. Images in the public domain do not have copyright protection. Additionally, Artrepreneur follows the guidelines of the U.S. Copyright Office, which states that A.I.-created images lack the human authorship necessary to support a copyright claim and are, therefore, in the public domain. However, AI or public domain images that are altered to include copyrightable materials created by the artist, such as in collages or mixed media pieces, may be acceptable.
Note to Videographers: Artrepreneur is primarily a platform for still images and animated GIFs, but not video. However, Pro Members can add videos to their artwork detail pages from YouTube, Instagram, and Vimeo. Videographers should upload a still image or animated GIF of their work first. Then you can edit the artwork to attach the video sample. Note that we may not have a category or subcategory to fit your video genre.