Grant Judging Criteria

Outlined below are questions to consider when making and submitting work for review. Our curators review your work submissions using this guideline. Be sure to review the questions presented here and reflect upon your answers.

Project Proposal

A grant project proposal is a formal document that outlines your goals, vision, and objectives for the specific grant project. The proposal should serve as a roadmap for your creative process and communicate your ideas. It should include details about your artistic practice, project concept, intended audience, and desired outcomes. Crafting a compelling proposal that showcases your strengths and creativity while aligning with the grant’s mission and values is crucial to standing out from the competition.

  • What is the concept, goal, intention, or need for the listed Pro Grant award? 
  • Is the outline reasonable within the grant scope? 
  • How is the stipend to be used as it relates to the grant? 
  • Is the concept conveyed easily and with clarity or is it difficult and requires thoughtful reflection from the audience? 
  • Is this concept suited to a large or specialized audience?


  • Is the portfolio work properly documented? 
  • What is the resolution of the documentation, is there any pixelation that interferes with the clarity of the image? 
  • Does the photo (documentation) of the work accurately represent the work? 
  • Does the portfolio accurately support the letter of intent / grant scope?