After uploading artwork to Artrepreneur, an Artwork Page is created for that work along with other details such as the title and description. Each Artwork Page is considered a unique and independent work. Multiple views of a single work are not considered independent works but are all considered part of the same work (i.e., different angles of a sculpture or a photo of the work hanging in a home or gallery).
If you wish to upload multiple images of the same work, DO NOT UPLOAD THEM AS SEPARATE WORKS. That will create an Artwork Page for each image. Instead, upload the Primary Image of the work to create the Artwork Page and then add the other views as Additional Images. You can add up to five (5) additional images from the edit screen, but the Primary Image will be the thumbnail shown when browsing or searching on Artrepreneur or other search engines.
We encourage you to add additional images of your artwork, such as it hanging in a home or gallery, detail or closeup shots, wireframes of your 3D models, or any promotional pictures that include the artwork.