a. Artists can opt out or exclude specific artworks from the Readymade Store on the edit screen of the individual artwork.
b. Should an artwork be withdrawn from the Program after its listing in the Readymade Store, or if the artwork is removed from Artrepreneur, or if the artist’s account on Artrepreneur is deleted, ATP.art retains the discretion to continue listing the artwork in the Readymade Store for up to three months.
When you agree to include your artwork in the Readymade Store, each piece is automatically marked as ‘Readymade Eligible.’ It’s important to note that only artworks marked both ‘Readymade-Eligible’ and ‘Commercial Ready’ qualify for inclusion in the Store. However, not all artworks that meet these criteria will necessarily be added to the Store, as our curators focus on creating a balanced collection, ensuring no single style, medium, or subject matter is predominant.
IMPORTANT: In an effort to streamline the process, we automatically mark all your artworks as ‘Readymade Eligible,’ which includes any new pieces you add to Artrepreneur. This is done even though only those also marked as ‘Commercial Ready’ can actually be featured in the Store. This procedure ensures that if any artwork is later designated as ‘Commercial Ready’ (for instance, through a Commercial-Ready Open Call), it will be ready for potential inclusion in the Store.
You can choose to exclude artwork from the Store using our opt-out feature. Since all your artwork is automatically tagged ‘Readymade’—including those not ‘Commercial Ready’—we suggest opting out any piece you prefer not to include. This ensures that artwork, even if later marked ‘Commercial Ready,’ won’t be inadvertently added to the Store.
The tutorial below will guide you through opting out artwork from ‘Readymade.’
Opting out Steps:
Step 1: Identifying Eligible Artworks To view artworks tagged as ‘Readymade Eligible,’ navigate to the ‘Manage Artwork’ section on your Dashboard and select the ‘Readymade’ filter. This will show all artworks with the ‘Readymade’ tag, regardless of their ‘Commercial Ready’ status.
For artworks marked as both ‘Readymade Eligible’ and ‘Commercial Ready,’ use the ‘Readymade and Commercial Ready’ Filter.
Step 2: Opting Out To remove an artwork’s eligibility, choose the piece you wish to opt-out of and click the edit button. Then, toggle the Readymade switch to off (red for off, green for on). Remember, you can always re-enable this option later.
By following these steps, you can effectively manage which of your artworks are available for inclusion in the Readymade Store so that only those you choose are selected by our curatorial team.”